Lodge a complaint

ASENO is sorry if things aren’t going as planned

We try really hard to get it right to meet all of our obligations in line with our published Complaint and Dispute Resolution Procedure.

If we’ve fallen down in some way, you can make a complaint in one of the following ways:

Energy Ombudsman

All of our customers have the right to contact the Energy Ombudsman at any time, however, we hope that our customers will contact us first to give us a chance to rectify any issues.
Energy and Water Ombudsman NSW
Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland
Energy and Water Ombudsman

Australian Capital Territory

Energy and Water OmbudsmanSouth Australia

Lodge a complaint

If you feel that we have let you down or you are not pleased with the service you have received, please tell us. We will do all we can to fix a problem and to improve our services.

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